Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Awakening the Blog again

After nearly a year, I have found the time and inspiration to post again. I know that I probably have lost most of my audience during my leave of absence, but I suppose that's how themed blogs go: If you don't have any relevant information worth posting, you pass on writing it. During the last few months, I have just not been inspired enough to post anything of substance as plans for going to Italy got postponed due to finances. Thus, I've just been working and doing projects around the house. I am writing now to say that plans for more travel are in my near future once again. I will continue to use this blog again and hopefully provide some insight for any overly-curious readers. I also hope to post on some cool things that did happen for me this summer, including my first art show.

Last I wrote, plans were in the works to save money here in Helena, MT in order to make it back to Italy. I am sorry to report that I have still not made it back to Italy, primarily due to finances. After returning from Italy, I saw first hand the effects of the economy as I had trouble finding a decent job. I found a part-time job as a barista at minimum wage, which was completely humbling and made saving money difficult. Plans for Italy were painfully put off and put off. During this period, I tried to find the bright side: this was the lowest paying job I've ever had in life, about 1/4 of the money I made as an engineer, but it's good for a person to see this, as it makes you grateful that you are able to do better thanks to education.

Summer here in Montana was fairly short as we had a more rainy than usual year, and winter came early seeing temperatures around zero F as early as a month ago. I did get some neat projects done this summer like putting in an underground sprinkler system for my mom. This spring, I also fulfilled a personal goal to be in an art show. I actually entered two shows and ended up selling one piece! I hope to post more on that another time.

So you ask, what is in store for the future? Well this has been a difficult question for me to answer and for the first time in my life, I am so unsure of the future, it is scaring me. Since I have returned from NZ, I confess that I have been increasingly feeling numb, lacking inspiration and motivation--that fire I once had.

Part of me is pushing to get back on a career track and rekindle the remnants of a career in science. Another part of me is still interested in opening a cocktail bar, or starting some sort of business of my own. All confusion aside, I have figured that moving away from the USA again is imminent. The USA and Montana are great places, but I've decided they are not the right place for me right now. So where do I go?

I still dream about NZ about 2 times a week and this would be the most logical place to go, but I want to try something different. NZ is a great back up, but I would like to find a place a little less isolated from the world, but still laid-back, stable and easy to get into. I came up with Australia. They rank really high on the livability scale, are close to beautiful NZ and also South Asia for traveling. Their economy is good and they do a lot of scientific research. I also have a few friends there trying to make a life. So I guess currently, Australia is my new goal.

In slang, they call Australia Oz. Hah, perfect. The wizard of Oz, what a fitting dream to think about: Going to Oz. So this is my new plan to date, at least for now, because you know how plans can change, especially for me! More later.


Unknown said...

Hi Rob!

Down Under is a great decision! You will love it! I am travelling for 6 1/2 months now and I am still loving it. It is a great country with amazing differents in every way :-)!

Hope you can realise your dream!

Martina Essig (Austria)

Unknown said...

Hey, I know that glacier in your thumbnail pic! Good thing you had such a great photographer along ;)